tadi dpt phone call dr unknown person..perempuan! and this is e' num 0162137407 katenya from millenium..setau aku mellenium ni one of e' job agencies kt msia..agak weird bila dia gtau nak pos new cover insurance policy kat aku which i believed im not even buy it at all...cover policy ape plak ni...??bila masa plak aku beli insurance ?? katanya AIG...rasa menyirap tol bila dia gtau aku beli policy tu via c/card...aku tnya dia thn bape aku beli insurance tu..dia ckp dlm 2 or 3 thn lepas...damn it!
aku gtau dia..stakat ni aku xpenah beli ape2 insurance policy melalui credit card !!.insurance yg opis punya ada la..tu opis yg tanggung..bukan aku!!
pastu aku tnya dia policy ape yg aku amik tu...cpt jer dia ckp..xpe miss, maybe ada kesilapan so sy check dlu...pastu cepat2 je kan ko nak put down the phone kan..!!? eh nampak bebenor la ko nak misuse org punya ccard ..!
aku terus call cimb check ada x aku buat aper2 payment utk insurance policy. sadly diaorg just boley check tuk 6 months punya transactions je..if nak print or check all transactions kene charge rm5..
aku call semula no yg call aku tadi 0162137407 ..unfortunetely no one pickup and last2 going to voicemail..ishh geram tol..nampak sgt la penipu! aku xpuas hati..cuba lg dail no td...hurm after 10th attempts pun sama gak..still unreachable.!!!! tension betul...last resort aku send sms bgtau yg phone conversation tu aku record and nak launch police report if ada apa2 payment yg dibuat dr credit card aku without acknowledgement nnti...
mcm2 taktik skrg ni kan...takut rase...Semoga kita semua dilindungi oleh Allah s.w.t. dr segala kejahatan. Amin.