Tuesday 26 July 2011

Neves vs glabah

SaLam ...hye...adesshh nape mesti neves ni??nape2??risau pon ader....biasala klau da lama x melalui sesi interbiu...mak aihh lame gile dah x pegi interbiu ni....tahap kenevesan & keglabahan sgt dirasai di waktu ni...even internal interbiu tp kerisauannye ttp ketara!! huh sempat x nak studi neh...??adoiii survey je la ape2 yg patut jap...jom search togetha2...

Adoyaiiii byak la plk soalan2 lazim yg biasa di tanya...

1-Tell me about yourself?

2-Why do you want to work here?

3-Why should I hire you?

4-What did you like/dislike about your last job?

5-What would you like to be doing five years from now?

6-What are your biggest accomplishments?

7-Can you work under pressure?

8- How do you take direction?

9-What is the most difficult situation you have faced?

10-Do you prefer working with others or alone?

source: mestilah pakciku google

hohoho soalan no 8 tu pling x bessttttt...help2!!!! huk2 pe2 pon wish me luck eh dear...wink*