Monday 26 September 2011

Jom Berkenalan dengan Beautee Face Ampoules and Serum


Baru-baru ni roomate saya ada pakai produk beautee..katanye utk hilangkan saya tanya..hurm utk parut ada x..? dia ckp beautee punye produk byk..jenis yg dia pakai ni beautee ampoule : purifying Ampoule khas utk jeragat dan dia suggest survey on9 utk info..hehe cam berminat bcoz harga dia x cekik darah sblm try lets collect some infos gurls...!

BEAUTEE AMPOULE ni memang terkenal kat salon2 or spa..stakat ni belum ada jual kat farmasi (watsons/gurdian/caring dll) lg. harganya pun cuma RM 30/ 10 bottles. setiap botol mengandungi korang rasa berbaloi x? BEAUTEE AMPOULE mengandungi ekstrak botani dan vitamin dalam pelbagai kombinasi dan tidak mempunyai bahan pengawet dan pewarna.(hehe kira selamat la ni sbb x de hydroquinone ).BEAUTEE in actually product dr German.Dah dapat award super health dan asia facific exellence brand(wow). product beautee ni ada byk range tau tp saya nak fokus kat beautee face ampoule je..

BEAUTEE AMPOULE ada 11 jenis. so koranx3 sume boley la pilih ampoule yg bersesuaian dgn masalah koranx yer..

.Eye Care Ampoule : Reduce Eyes Puffiness and Dark Circles
.Firming Ampoule : Lifting and Firming for Matured Skin
.Neutralizing Ampoule : For Pre Make Up and Moisturizing
.Open Pore Ampoule : Minimize Open Pore
.Purifying Ampoule : For Acne, Pimples and Oily Skin
.Soothing Ampoule : Prevent Irritation and Calm Skin
.Vitamin C Ampoule : For Anti Oxidant and Radiant Glow
.Whitening Ampoule : Whitening Effect for Dark Skin
.Clarifying Ampoule : For Stimulate Cell Renewal and Diminishes Scars
.Bust Ampoule : Lifting the Sagging Bust, Improve Blood Circulation

** ampoule ni cuma boley tahan 4 jam seteleh dibuka.
** so kalau korang nak details utk ampoules diatas boley refer at

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